Parent Teacher Organization
Dear Gotha Families,
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! For those of you who are new to Gotha Middle or are unfamiliar with GMS PTO, we are a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff dedicated to the successful education of our children. The PTO works hard to help make the school year enjoyable, exciting, and rewarding for students, teachers, and families.
The purpose of the GMS PTO is to aid our students and staff by providing support for educational and recreational needs; to promote open communication between administration, teachers, and families, and to encourage Gotha school spirit and pride. The PTO uses the resources gained through fundraising and business partnerships to support the efforts of our school and staff. To have the best year possible, we need the support and involvement of every family at Gotha. You can give back to GMS in the form of time, talent, and/or resources. We have many volunteer opportunities that require as little or as much time that you have to offer. Whether your interests are supporting faculty, students, or specific programs, we have an opportunity for you!
Please join us for our GMS PTO meetings to learn more, email [email protected], or visit the PTO website for more information. Joining PTO is a great way to stay updated on activities, information, and needs.
We look forward to an outstanding year together!
Te Shondra Abner - President
Alba Gheorghe - VP Outreach
Lisa Hiracheta - Co-VP Students
Liz Mayo - Co-VP Students
Laura Van Baalen - VP Faculty
Dena Reyes - Treasurer
Brandi Vartti - Secretary
Karissa Martin - Past President