Gotha Middle School's Science Department provides inquiry based instruction filled with hands-on experiences for students to attain the content knowledge for the Florida Sunshine State Standards. Students in our classes become the scientists! Their journey begins in sixth grade learning about life science. In seventh grade our students study earth/space science. In eight grade they complete their trek by studying the physical sciences.
The best method for creating an atmosphere of learning in science is through hands-on investigations. Safety is a priority at Gotha Middle School. All students will be signing a Safety Contract in their science classes. A copy of the contract is located below and is available in English and Spanish.
Safety Contracts (Contrato de Seguridad)
Safety Contract - English Ver. Safety Contract - Spanish Ver.

Project Lead the Way
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is our science elective for students that are interested in a STEM career. We offer 6 classes, each are 1/2 year long. Students can apply to the STEM program in each grade level. We accept about 50 students per grade level. Students take class, have guest speakers, go on STEM related field trips and complete hands on learning activities. If interested in the PLTW program please contact either person (just click the name) below:
PLTW Teachers
Mrs. Hinz
Mrs. Salber
Mrs. Rodriguez